Monday, October 27, 2008

(Non-D&D) The shipwrecked sailors and tailors

This session we visited a world in another universe (a homebrew system & campaign), where two castaways found themselves on a vast island, far away from their known world.

The two, "Fen," a noted wrestling instructor, and "Tah," one of the most intuitive and reasoned minds in the known and unknown world, left the beach in search of water and food.

After finding a river and following it upstream, they found another pair of castaways (who had lots of fabric for some reason) and joined them.

The whole group then went to investigate some buildings the two tailors had seen. There they met a group of guards and began rudimentary communication ("Fen" and one of the tailors sat down to play a game of dice with the youngest guard).

Pandora - elf of mystery

During our second foray into the underground temple chambers, we were joined with Pandora, elven sorceress extraordinaire. She is the first within our group to have been entraced by the Book of Olaf.

Jumping from the kettle into the fire

Upon reaching Grymnon, we went to the Abbott for guidance on the book and our next plan-of-action. Patience informed him about the book, its affect on the Archduke, and Tyrion's change from human to a tentacled creature.

The Abbott was unable to determine what kind of creature the sheriff was / had turned into on the basis of the pieces Patience and the Archduke brought; he said he would check with his superiors from the South.

Patience and Max retrieved the book and entrusted it to the Abbott. Due to the possibility for a panic, the Abbott instructed us to not mention the book or the tentacles specifically when talking to the townspeople regarding the sheriff and events of the past couple of days.

We still do not know what has caused the apparently sudden interest in the book. What brought both a kobold spellcaster and a previously human (seeming) sheriff to both seek the book? The spellcaster suggested that it was a source of power that called out to him, while Tyrion stole it and headed out Ardheim.

Due to this latter concern, the Abbott instructed us to go to Ardheim to uncover more information. I am tasked with informing the Ardheim leadership of the recent events here at Grymnon. Before heading out, I claimed my needed rest while the others worked as guards for the town (including closing off the underground temple's entrances).

We headed out and on our second night outside the town, two hippogriffs attacked us. One grabbed and flew off with Hunolt ("food for bird horses," much to the worry of us smaller folk). Patience and the Archduke headed off after them, leaving Max and myself to dispatch of the other beast. Both were successfully incapacitated (though nearly with the loss of our token human member). We kept both creatures alive and continued on the next day.

Eventually, we reached the overbuilt pass guarding the entrance into Ardheim, where the Archduke pulled off a ruse as a merchant (dealing in miscellaneous items as well as exotic beasts) with the rest of us as his retainers.

The Ardheim authorities permitted us to enter, though we are restricted to the Outer hall, which appears to be designed for those of us who are light sensitive.

Due to my obvious alignment with the All Father, I was interrogated separately and will meet with the leadership or their representatives in a few days time regarding the Grymnon - Olaf'ian heresy.

Well within the hall, the Archduke secured us a magnificent price for our newly captured beasts (as well as the tobacco we brought from Grymnon) and we have begun re-equipping ourselves for the dangers to come.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We shot the sheriff, and there was no deputy (knock on quarterstaff!)

Last week on Tentacly Drama, the group continued its hunt for Sheriff Tyrion. The brave, yet impatient Hunolt hurried ahead with Zrammm, presumably getting lost in the process; meanwhile, Pandora wandered off, possibly entranced by a swarm of the local butterflies (they sure are a pretty lot).

The Archduke, with the company of Magda, went off on an initial hunt for Max; he had run ahead (what is it with these warrior-types and charging off?), with all of our newfound loot no less. The search began well enough, but they found themselves in need of Ranger Patience.

Patience, level-headed and all, first checked out the circumstances of the Tyrion's horsethievery. She discovered that he had stolen the widow Hutchinson's old farm horse as well as her horseriding equipment (saddle and saddlebags). She noted that, curiously, the Hutchinson home had apparently not been broken into, prompting more questions about Tyrion's powers.

Eventually, Patience tracked down the rest of group (as well as she could, given the circumstances) and we marched on.

A day into our march, we discovered the remains of the Hutchinson horse. It had fallen down one of the steep ledges and presumably bleed to death.

Further up the road, we spotted Tyrion and set out to flank him. Patience and the Archduke climbed up the mountainside while Max and Magda diverted his attention. Magda, unfortunately, bought the his story that he was heading to Ardheim to rid the land of the cursed book. Thankfully, Magda began asking herself WWPD (What Would Patience Do?) questions and eventually cornered Tyrion over a growth on his neck.

Tyrion proceded to attack Magda, draining her of her will by subjecting her to a vision of terrible beauty. He revealed himself as a tentacled creature (with regenerative capabilities). The battle was long and furious, claiming most of the party's resources and causing three of us to fall (Patience and a revived Archduke were the only two conscious champions in the end; Magda fell to Tyrion's attacks while Max overextended himself in rage).

At the time of this week's session start, Magda and Max have awoken, though Magda still requires rest to regain her full senses. Patience and the Archduke have dragged their two comrades, along with what was left of interest on Tyrion, back to town.

As for current intentions, Magda wants to spend some time scribing emergency scrolls. She would also like to suggest the following:
- that we alert the temple of possible danger Ardheim represents, considering Tyrion's behavior and last statement
- that one of us temporarily takes on the sheriff mantle for the town
- that we sell and divide what loot we have found thus far
- that we restock ourselves and head down below the temple and into the doors the kobolds came from (possibly working to block any future passage there)
- that we work toward eventually heading to Ardheim


In this blog I'll publish the summaries from the Dungeons & Dragons group I am in at the University of Oslo.

The characters in the group are:
Hunolt - brave (and wise) human fighter

Patience Constantina Tangleleaf - halfling ranger / voice of reason

Bjarne Max - courageous (yet hasty) gnome barbarian

Archduke Neo the Third - resident halfing rogue / wizard with all the trimmings

Magda - dwarf cleric of Moradin

Our current locale is a much-reduced mountain town, with sights on the dwarven citadel of Ardheim.