Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Village of Eastbrook

Eastbrook is the first village the players have visited in this campaign. They have, thus far, helped the village by checking and clearing out the Hightower (and nearby tor of strategic value), assisting a local couple that had a magical infestation, and investigating an attack by a giant wolf-like creature.

  1. 1. Temple of Heironeous – led by Priestess Lana (human female) and administered by Layman Gregory (human male)

  2. 2. Eastbrook Common Hall and Administrative Offices – led by Emissary-Mayor Keirnan von Shuern (human male)

  3. 3. The Village Square with the Eastbrook well

  4. 4. Sheriff's Offices – headed by Sheriff Grishka Mah'kt (half-orc female)

  5. 5. Inn of the Four Winds – run by Regdar (human male)

  6. 6. The Winter Wolf Tavern – run by Selirin (half-elf male)

  7. 7. Fiona's Fine Threads – run by Fiona (halfling female)

  8. 8. General Store and Storage – run by Eastbrook collective

  9. 9. The Sure Shot (bowyer/fletcher) – run by Ytana (elf female)

  10. 10. Lysandra's Smithy (blacksmith) – run by Lysandra (dwarf female)

  11. 11. Trock's Leather and Hides (tanner) – run by Trock (hobgoblin male)

  12. 12. Ellie's Meats (butcher) – run by Ella (halfling female)

  13. 13. Gerald's Scribe Services – run by Gerald Pensworth (gnome male)

  14. 14. Kyron's Herborium – run by Kyron (half-elf male)

Disclaimer: the map is an edited version of a map found in the Heroes of Horrors accessory by Wizards of the Coast.

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